Staying up late is a phrase used by someone that goes to bed later than usual. This is considered a normal thing to do by some people, mostly students. This is what makes people's sleep schedules diverse. When talking about staying up late there must be benefits but also drawbacks, so what are the benefits and the drawbacks from staying up late?
Firstly, one of the benefits of staying up late is of course the plenty of time that you can take advantage of, you can do things that you can't do or don't have time to do that day. As an example, most students stay up late to do their assignment because they are too busy or too tired to do it after school. Secondly, there are people that choose night time as their me time. The night time is a good time to refresh your mind, some people say, there are much less things happening around and less things to do. You can maybe spend your night watching movies, reading books, or even enjoy the scenery of a dark breezy night sky.
When there are good things, there are also bad things, when talking about staying up late of course there are some drawbacks of doing so. First of all, one of the drawbacks is ofcourse health related. Staying up late is obviously not healthy, sleeping late could lead to some unwanted sickness such as headache, fatigue, low blood pressure, and even lowering your body’s immune system. Secondly, some people tend to stay up late even though they have nothing particularly important to do. They spend their nights doing tiring activities, like playing video games as an example, this does not give you any benefit, and eventually will lead to fatigue, health problems, or maybe other problems. As an example a student stays up late to play games with their friends, eventually he wakes up late because he is too tired, eventually he is late for breakfast, he is late for school, and so on.
In conclusion, staying up late is an ok thing to do, but don’t do it regularly. Only do it when you have to, and don’t stay up late when you don’t have to, because staying up late has so many drawbacks. As a solution, people can probably go to bed early and do their things early in the morning, not only because you can do your things with a fresh mind in the morning but also people tend to have a good mood in doing so.