Investment is an asset received, obtained, or deposited with the aim of earning income in the future. Investment is no longer something new to most people. The number of investors has been rising over time as it is no longer difficult to do. They can use an application to accomplish this. Then, what effect does investing have on teenagers?
The advantages of investing are numerous. Having a source of income and savings is the primary benefit of investing. Investments in the economy will be managed and made available for dividends after a predetermined amount of time. After many years, even the money and earnings can be enjoyed. Another advantage of investing is creating a disciplined personality. Because investing will save money for our future, a regular habit that we will need to maintain.
However, the results of investments should only be used as backup. Investment for teenagers is very risky. This can have negative impacts. Moreover, teenagers are at a very vulnerable age to start investing. In the survey report entitled "2022 Investment Trend" recorded on the Jakpat blog, this blog also revealed the age of the majority of Indonesian people who are currently actively investing when they decide to start investing. The results are quite surprising, the majority of Indonesian people (around 30 percent of respondents) have decided to start investing at the age of 20-24 years. Meanwhile, the age range for teenagers is 13 -17 years. Without direction and knowledge about investment, they will not understand safe and appropriate investments and will not consider the risks associated with investments.
Before diving into investment, teenagers should take the time to educate themselves. By learning from trying investments, teenagers will have a broader understanding of investing. Teenagers can learn from several video sources that explain investing or from motivators.
As teenagers are still relatively new to the concept of investing, they can try playing popular games like Monopoly. As they are still relatively new to the concept of investing. And the Indonesian Stock Exchange or Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) has made a new breakthrough in introducing the world of capital markets with an online game application called "Nabung Saham Go".
The conclusion is that the sooner you start investing, the more time your money will grow. Teenagers might get more from compound interest the earlier they begin investing. Teenagers should take the time to educate themselves on market dynamics, risk factors, and the numerous investment possibilities before starting investing.
Sources :
Ajaib. “Cara Asik Belajar Saham Lewat ‘Nabung Saham GO”. March 30, 2020. (accessed on February 3rd, 2024).
Government of Canada. “A Child's Age and Stage of Development Make a Difference”. December 21th, 2022.,to%20the%20world%20around%20them (accessed on February 2nd, 2024).
Hasya, Raihan. “Di Umur Berapa Kebanyakan Masyarakat Indonesia Memulai Investasi?”. GoodStats. August 8th, 2022. (accessed on February 2nd, 2024).
Ramadhani, Niko. “5 Game Investasi Ini dapat Membantu Kamu Memahami Investasi!”. Akseleran. May 5th, 2021. (accessed on February 6th, 2024).