
As time goes by, society is so often judging someone by their looks and physical appearance. Therefore, people will have the same standard for beauty such as thin body, white skin, and long hair although beauty itself has a wide meaning and cannot be judged only by someone's looks. From this phenomenon, there is a concept called beauty privilege, a concept that shows special treatment for someone who fulfills the beauty standard, making many people try to be beautiful to be appreciated. On the other hand, this concept has a lot of impacts on the one who gets it and the one who doesn’t, why do I say so?

The positive impacts for the one who has it. Firstly, they will be more appreciated by society because society always gives different treatment for them, such as when we are in a queue, they will be prioritized to be first for paying the stuff. Secondly, it is easier for them to find a job, especially in the marketing department where they will recruit an employee with an interesting look. Thirdly, people will praise them a lot even when they do a wrong thing, for example, Cameron Herrin, a handsome guy who got support from some Indonesians after hitting a mother and a daughter in Florida in 2018 because of illegal street racing.

Meanwhile, the negative impacts are that they will lack privacy because the more people like them the more people are obsessed and become a stalker because stalkers want to have them completely, but when they do something opposite from what people want, people will hate them. Second, sexual harassment in public places and public transportation, such as catcalling in stations, terminals, and trains. Third, people will see them only from the outside without considering their skill, ability, and inner beauty which makes them only look like a doll, not a human.

The privilege they have probably can make them feel arrogant because they think they are the most beautiful and can do whatever they want, such as bullying the ones who don't. From all the negative impacts, the worst can happen if they become a gambling bet or TOD (Truth or Dare) prize for the boys to date them for showing their pride to each other without feeling love.

The impacts for the one who doesn’t. First, get bullied because their looks do not suit the beauty standard in society. Second, they feel insecure, and useless and forget to love themselves because they think they are not beautiful enough for society and always compare their looks with other people. Third, become jealous of the achievement or treatment that the beautiful one gets. Consequently, there’s a word called Penyakit Ain. This pain comes from the jealousy of people when they praise someone better than them.

In daily life, there are funny things that maybe we have seen from the ones who don't have it, where they backbite and mock the people who have the privilege. They do those things because they are envious of them, for example, they will say “Lu mah modal cantik doang!” although the people they mock have good personalities and are kind-hearted. Fortunately, some people don't do that, but they choose to see it from the positive side by focusing more on themselves, upgrading their skill and hobbies, and expanding their knowledge to make themself valuable.

Furthermore, many people in society think this phenomenon only happens to a girl because of its name, beauty privilege not handsome privilege. Although sometimes it also happens to a boy in real life for example when there is a boy in a group full of girls, but it is so rare to be seen.

In conclusion, the beauty privilege has a lot of impacts, both positive and negative, in daily life for the one who gets it and the one who doesn’t such as being more appreciated, sexual harassment, and bullying. However, for some people instead of being insecure with people who have the beauty privilege, they will try to improve themselves and upgrade their values because the most valuable one is not the outside looks but the beauty that comes from inside, the inner beauty.

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