
The practice of studying late into the night, often until morning, is quite common among students. The pressure to excel academically while putting their sleep schedule aside creates a pattern that can be detrimental to both their physical and mental health. Some find it preferable, while the other half were obliged by it. This study practice is also very prevalent for SMAKBO students. As a student of a top vocational school, some students felt the need to pull all-nighters to stay ahead, or even to finish their workload of assignments (such as laboratory reports).

For some students, late-night study could be preferable, as it helps to increase their concentration. There is also a term called night owl or night person, which describes an individual who is more active at night and enjoys peace and quiet late at night. Furthermore, this helps them understand things and do well in school in their own way. There are also some students who like to procrastinate their work and do it near deadlines. While not ideal, it can work for them, because it gives them a boost of motivation to do the work and to submit it on time, like a race with time. Even though some find it preferable, there are several drawbacks to late-night studies. For example, if a SMAKBO student studies until morning without sleep on the day of laboratory practice, it can be dangerous for both the student and everyone around them because of the potential of losing concentration and adding the wrong reagent thus triggering an unwanted reaction or even the student passing out during laboratory practice. Not having enough sleep can cause many more disadvantages such as becoming sleepy in class and as a result, decreasing focus and concentration, making it difficult to understand the material and to participate, it also weakens the immune system, making it more prone to illness. This raises the question, is it worth it to do late-night studies?

In the end, it all depends on you and your personal preferences. Some people find it easier to focus and be more productive late at night, while others prefer to study during the day. However, it's important to remember that good sleep is crucial for your well-being. But I personally believe that everything requires balance, including the late-night study habit. The time you spend studying is crucial, and it is important to find the right balance. One way to do that is by experimenting with different schedules until you find one that works for you. While it's important to study hard and be productive, it's just as important to get enough sleep. So, don't forget to make time for both study and rest.

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